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Version: 2.2.2

User Roles

This menu [Configuration>Account Management>User Roles] can be used to manage users roles in the System.

A role is a set of permissions for actions available within the system (for example: create a widget, delete a Rule, access to the selected data stream, access to data from selected exporters). A role can be assigned to one or several users. One user can have one or several roles. Two roles are predefined in the system: Administrator, User.


The Sycope system implements a mechanism for assigning access to data at three levels:

  • Permissions - access to GUI system elements.
  • Exporter groups - access to data at the level of a single exporter
  • Stream restrictions - access to single data streams that are available in the system



For roles, permissions can be assigned to selected endpoints in the Access column. The user can grant the following access rights:

  • Add
  • Delete
  • Edit
  • View
Example 1

To create a role that only views the list of Widgets, the role must have View permission.

Example 2

To create a role that can edit Widgets, the role must have Edit and View permissions.


Exporter groups

In this field, you can grant access to exporter groups that are configured in the system.



To grant permissions at the Exporter groups level, you must first configure the system to support this functionality. This is configured in the [Configuration>NetFlow>ExporterGroups ] tab in the Exporter Access field. You must check the Restricted option.


WARNING! After enabling the Restricted option, it is not recommended to reconfigure this functionality of the system and check the All option.

Stream restrictions

Stream restriction allows you to block access to source data to protect data. It is possible to restrict the user's access to any Data streams that are in the System.



For the built-in admin role, you cannot add restrictions on data access. The admin role always has “everything” allowed.


By default, all user roles do not have data access restrictions.

Assigned users

In this section, you can assign Users to User Roles.



Privacy - you can grant permissions for a User Role

  • Private - accessible to the owner
  • Public - visible to all, but You can grant permission:
    • DELETE
    • EDIT
  • Shared - accessible to one or more selected User roles. Available privileges are:
    • Delete
    • Edit
    • View